Thursday, November 12, 2015

Yemen's Political Fruit Basket

I get asked a lot about impressions of various parties in current conflict. So here's a sarcastic take. List not exhaustive, so chill with the "Aha! You missed so and so". Enjoy!

Houthis: We be sent by God to fight the Zionists disguised as Americans, Saudis, alQaeda, yeah, basically everyone who's not no question, you just believe, you disagree, I kill you too.

Saleh: I know it all, control it all, boss of all, so smart, so supreme, so fly, all credits to me. Negative points? Hater's rubbish. Factual negative points! Well wasn't me.

Resistance (South): We don't necessarily know what we want, but we sure damn know what we don't, wait, we're a bit divided on that too..screw it, viva PDRY, viva secession.

Resistance (North): To be or not to be, is an existential mode.

AQAP: Houthis are heretics, WE were sent by God..god damn it Islamic State, not now.

Islamic State: Move aside AQAP, you've had your chance, watch and learn how it's done..lit that fuse brother, let's blow it sky high.

Islah Party (Opposition): We used to be the main partner of regime, then the regime, all was going well and peachy, da bloody hell happened!?'s all Saleh's fault.

Saudi Arabia: Hey Iran, think you can move in south of our borders and hijack our unkempt backyard, think us soak in gas and burn to a cinder, haha.

Saudi led Coalition: Dearest dear Iran, you know Saudi forced us into this, right? Hope it doesn't affect our bilateral relations, we be cool, right?..crap, here comes Saudi, bad Iran, bad.

Iran: Dafuq Saudi!? Hello, we're up here, NORTH of your border!

Int'l Community: Hi there Saudi, would you like some gas?

UN: Alright, everyone calm down, give a sec while I consult with the voices in my head.

Pro Government in Exile Forces: Government loyalists, Hadi loyalists, national army..unicorns.

Hadi: Why isn't anyone listening to me..I AM THE LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT!