Hadi was Vice President of Yemen pre 2011 "Youth" uprising.
Howling at top of their voices youth explained/demanded removal of whole "regime"...whole darn regime including "political parties/forces" long partnered/in bed with/and at root of it are essentially part of regime.
How on earth are youth even qualified to advise let alone dictate how things should be. How dare they!
Hold on, their movement has strong momentum. Quick, hijack their uprising & pretend to heed their call.
Howdy, we are the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), this shall not pass.
Hash out the menacing youth warning against half way compromise solutions to maintain regime..haha..inevitable impending doom they say..pfft!
Hadi was agreed upon as a consensus leader by the very same regime & political parties/forces (whom the youth rose against) and through a GCC brokered deal, to lead a transitional period toward utopia and a Yemen happily ever after.
Hadi was "elected" in a "One Man" race/elections for interim president in 2012.
Hadi led (more so accommodated) a squabbling ill excuse of a consensus government made up of the "political parties/forces" whom were reason behind uprising in 2011 in first place.
Hadi failed both in being a consensus leader and controlling the spectacularly failed consensus government which led to unprecedented corruption, rapidly deteriorating services/security and a heightened public resentment over general status quo.
Houthis took advantage of upheaval, power vacuum, what have you, jumped in, effectively hijacked state and power.
Hadi? Well, not many tears were shed because...because he was, meh!
Hadi under house arrest? Well, we may not like him much, but that's just wrong.
Hadi escapes. People reaction...oh he did, good for him, meh!
Houthis miserably and equally failed in running state.
Hell breaks loose.
Horrifically worse than how 2011 youth warned it would when their uprising was hijacked.
Hallelujah! Time to finally admit "Youth" were right, right?
Hungry? Have a Snickers bar, you're not you when you're hungry.
Here's how we will win the horse race; kill the strong horse and beat the already dead one in hope he can make to finish line.
Hardly of any significance that public isn't betting on either horse nor fact that we, the Borg, err, the heavenly supreme, are demolishing race arena in process.
Horse, our horse, must win. At all cost. That's all there's to it.
Hail y'all, hail damn it. Hadi is your one and only true horse, err, savior, we meant savior sent by the heavens (i.e. Us, yes, the GCC).